Thursday, November 28, 2019

Choose your own adventure: How to use this image in I/O class?

I challenged my Twitter friends to find the I/O lesson in this video. As always, my I/O friends did not fail me.

Here are some of the ideas:

For complete list of I.O suggestion, see the original thread:

Credit to @emergidoc for sharing the video!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exit interviews...for the heart

Get it? Like an Exit Interview for employees, but MORE painful and embarrassing. More details/receipts here.

I think this is absolutely hilarious and that it would be fun to ask your students to create exit interviews for their former partners. OR: You could think of the subscales required for the exit-interview, or what a 360-degree feedback session might look like (interview your friends about how much they liked your partner, etc.).