Thursday, December 12, 2019

Suicide prevention in construction workers

I know a lot of my posts are silly. This one isn't. Content warning: Suicide.

This story by NPR by Yuki Noguchi tells the story of how one construction company recognized that suicide and depression was wide-spread among their employees and decided to do something about it. They consulted with experts, changed health care and leave policies, re-trained managers, and gathered data that demonstrates the efficacy of the new procedures.

Below, I've included some of the highlights that illustrate I/O principles. The news story itself is quite moving and includes personal stories from employees who have been suicidal and prevented suicides. It is a heavy piece but a very hopeful piece.

An employee for RK Construction died by suicide. The organization wanted to prevent future suicide and recognized that employees in their industry have particular risk factors for suicide. They consulted with SME prior to implementing changes.

RK implemented crisis training for management, they changed their leave policies in order to be more sensitive to individuals who required time off, and they started offering employees 24-hour counseling services.

They have gathered data and demonstrated that these changes don't just seem like they would help, but that they actually help:

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