Saturday, February 8, 2020

Performance appraisal for super heroes

Most Intro to I/O classes cover performance appraisal, which includes employee comparison procedures, like rank-ordering employees for specific purposes, like selecting a new manager.

One engaging, interactive example is to ask your students to create their own tier system for Marvel Comic Univers characters. allows you to do just this. Note: They list 115 different characters (!) which is probably overwhelming for students but maybe they could just create a rank order for leadership skills, the capacity to work on a team, ability to persevere in difficult situations, etc.

Note: This example doesn't reflect on my feelings about the characters, I was just playing around with the template to create an example for the blog.
ANOTHER way to discuss rank ordering is by using the COUNTLESS lists of MCU character rankings that already exist.

My favorite example of this are efforts to rank order all of the MCU superheroes. It is an accessible example for our students, better then a dry example from a textbook, AND you can demonstrate how there are all sorts of different criteria one can use for rank ordering since there are some many different lists of MCU heroes based on various characteristics:

Brute Strength:

Ranked from least to most funny:

Ranked from "Not worth saving" to "If they die, I die"

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